KSIF Assures that God's Word Reaches The Masses...
Kingdom Seekers International fellowship (KSIF) is a of independent churches and ministry leaders who have joined together for mutual strength and support. Every church and ministry with KSIF remains autonomous and self-governed. The chosen leadership for KSIF is not responsible for and cannot interfere in the affairs of its individual members, but may provide counsel and guidance when counsel and guidance is requested.
Our Leadership
Bishop Lawrence H. Harkless
Presiding Bishop (*Apostolic Succession)
Archbishop Robert E. Wilson, Ph.D.
Archbishop Emeritus (*Apostolic Succession)
Bishop Stanley Hamilton
1st Vice Presiding Bishop (*Apostolic Succession)
Bishop Terry J. Ward
General Secretary (*Apostolic Succession)
Bishop Frederick Williams
Bishop of International Affairs (*Apostolic Succession)
Bishop D. Orlando Moore
Bishop of Protocol (*Apostolic Succession)
Elect Lady Courtney Harkless
Director of Women’s Ministry
Elder Gayle Coles
Administrator To The International Executive Board
Elect Lady Cassandra Ward
Director of Intercessory Prayer
Elder Edward Crisp
Chief Adjutant
Mother Betty Allen
Fellowship Matriarch
Welcome From Archbishop Lawrence Harkless
My Brethren and Sisters in Jesus Christ,
I would like to take this time to welcome you to the Master’s Circle, Christian Fellowship International, Inc. (MCCFI). I am Archbishop Robert E Wilson, Jr, the Presiding Prelate of the Master’s Circle Christian Fellowship International, Inc. We are a fellowship that can help pastors, ministers and spiritual leaders to become the best servants, they can be in serving the Lord and the building of His kingdom. We are here to encourage you to be a servant first, as Jesus said in John 12:26 If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour. In order for us to do that, Master’s Circle Christian Fellowship international, Inc. offers some tools that can be helpful in your leadership development and growth. This can be helpful to all of us, as we strive to help each other in our continuous growth and spiritual maturity.
Here a few we can serve you:
• Support in and of member churches, fellowships, and ministries as well as opportunities for regular fellowship services.
• Education and training programs.
• Licensing, ordinations, consecrations and certifications.
• Accountability to one another.
• Spiritual covering, advice, counseling, and guidance.
• A partner to pastors.
• A major outlet to small and medium-size churches.
• Grant writing and contracts.
I hope and pray that this will build your interest to become a part of The Master’s Circle Christian Fellowship International, Inc. We would love to have you to come and join us. We are growing in the Words of Christ where He said in Matthew 20:28 Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.